LiftLab Experimentation
Privacy-compliant and deeply integrated with the LiftLab Agile MMM – our Geo-Lift or Diminishing Returns Experiments help you obtain the evidence needed to know how your paid media investments impact your aggregate sales — across Google, Meta, Snapchat, TikTok, CTV, or any other media platform.
Data Integration
Onboard your data, manage connections, and track your data on a regular basis
Agile Marketing Mix Model
A comprehensive model for analyzing marketing effectiveness and optimizing campaign performance
Obtain the evidence to know how your paid media investments impact your aggregate sale
A rich Dashboard to help you budget, plan, optimize, and add new channels
Unbiased, Empirical, and Trustworthy
Don’t rely on media platforms’ own conversion lift studies that “grade their own homework” — and that becoming only less reliable with the demise of third-party tracking. In a sea of biased measurement, our unbiased experiments give you an empirical view of all your media partners.
Make Better Data: LiftLab Geo-Testing
Often, our clients don’t have enough good data for conclusive findings and recommendations. That’s when we “Make Better Data” through geo-testing — delivering or withholding marketing across carefully-chosen cities nationwide, and running comparisons. The real-world input gives us the good data we need for accurate results.
Types of Geo-Testing
Experiments designed for smaller channels that need the mostcontrast, i.e.) new channels - SPEND LEVEL TESTS
Experiments designed for largest revenue-bearing marketing channels - CROSS CHANNEL TESTS
Experiments designed for finding interactions between channels - HEAD-TO-HEAD TESTS
Experiments designed for comparing two channels - SWITCHBACK TESTS
Experiments designed for channels where geo location targeting control is limited or not possible