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SKIMS Delivers New Experiments with TikTok

Discover how SKIMS leveraged TikTok to drive an increase in revenue and profit. See How SKIMS Tripled Spend Efficiency by leveraging LiftLab Experiments to Test Their Hypothesis Skyrocketed Online Sales with Advanced Audience Segmentation. SKIMS, a leader in shapewear and loungewear, turned to LiftLab to independently measure the effectiveness of their ads on TikTok. By […]

How To Fund Upper Funnels With Confidence

Join us as we delve into how LiftLab revolutionizes marketing effectiveness by enabling brands to confidently invest in their top-of-the-funnel (TOFU) campaigns. LiftLab’s unique approach involves measuring TOFU’s impact on conversion in real-time, ensuring accountability and accurate evaluation. By implementing a slower decay on data preparation, LiftLab acknowledges the lasting effects of TOFU investments over […]

Last Click Revenue Vs Incremental Revenue

Unlock the secrets to achieving consistent growth and surpassing quarterly goals with LiftLab’s transformative approach to marketing analytics. We delve into the common challenges faced by marketers when relying on unreliable last-click metrics and explore how LiftLab’s innovative solutions enable brands and marketing agencies to make smarter budget allocation decisions. Gone are the days of […]