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How to Build Better Trust and Transparency in Your Marketing Mix Model

In this episode of Curve Your Enthusiasm we’re going to host Dr. Dirk Beyer. Dirk’s deep experience in the field as an exceptional leader has spanned from Neustar (a TransUnion company) to DoorDash and Uber.

One thing’s for sure: Dirk knows a lot about diminishing return curves. He spent a large part of his career building marketing mix models at software companies.

So, we’re going to dive into:

  • What it takes to build a marketing mix model
  • Best practices to get a mix model into the marketer’s decision stream
  • And your own questions about all things marketing mix models!

Analytics can’t just be a pile of numbers. We need them to be leveraged. However, there are limitations to what you can and can’t do with these models.

Dirk has seen hundreds of these models, so he has a strong take on this topic, in fact he’s been leading it into the future. 

Sign up for the upcoming episode and bring your own questions to the table: https://www.liftlab.com/curveyourenth…

LiftLab: https://www.liftlab.com/
Dirk Beyer:  / dirkbeyer  
John Wallace:  / johnwallace-  
Jon Lorenzini:  / jonathanlorenzini  

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