How LiftLab Helped an International SaaS Company Decrease Ad Spend and Increase Profitability
Fine-tuning Results in an Increased Profitability of 3.5%
We partnered with an International SaaS company who leveraged the data-driven insights to optimize their Google brand search campaign and maximize their ROI. The experiment provided valuable insights that helped the company make informed decisions about their campaign spend and achieve their business goals.
Key Metrics at a Glance:
Main Challenge:
- Decreased ad spend by 87%
- Increase in new customer acquisition
- Increase in overall campaign performance
- 3.5% increase in profits
They were spending a considerable amount on the campaign but were unsure if they were overspending or if there was room to increase their spend.
LiftLab ran a geo-based experiment to test three different spend levels: regular spending, spending down or spending double down. At the end of the experiment, LiftLab generated a diminishing returns curve to show the client the optimal spend amount that would maximize their profit.