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Budgeting and Planning


Guide your marketing investment reviews by getting all parties – from your CFO, to your agencies to your ad partners – on the same page with your marketing initiatives individual and total contribution to revenue. Better track your marketing return on investment with LiftLab’s marketing planning software.


Remove the Guess Work from Your Marketing Planning & Budgeting

"How does the marketing planning software help me optimize for growth with a fixed budget?"

We help you to implement marketing budget constraints and settings to maximize the return for the last dollar spent. Our goal is to help you understand your marketing return on investment for all your marketing efforts.

Our marketing planning software will help you to set parameters in the system to stop spending when you’ve met your revenue goals profitably.

Our marketing planning system allows you to model and experiment against multiple business outcomes to assess how your media mix is impacting different customer cohorts.


Conflicting Agendas and KPIS

With different voices in the room, different KPIs and different measurement approaches, your team can’t change the conversation around marketing effectiveness.

Our Solution

LiftLab’s Marketing ROI Dashboard gives you a complete view of your marketing performance across your online and offline media investments with numbers you can get behind to drive more effective investment review discussions.


Trusted by Innovative Brands


Thrive Market Ensures Every Dollar is the Next Best Dollar

Achieves Real-time Mix Modeling with Budget Fluidity

Changing the Conversation between Marketing and Finance: The Six Pillars to a Better Investment Review

From better math to continuous improvement through experimentation, embracing these principles will spark more aligned conversations with Finance – and a higher-performing marketing program overall.

How To Use Diminishing Returns as Your ROI Superpower

Focusing on diminishing returns in your marketing investments means bucking conventional wisdom – in favor of more effective marketing investments. To better apply this fundamental economics principle to your marketing program, read on.